1.2 Update

I've tried to work on the feedback I got from participating in the Music Game Jam. The main comment being that the difficulty of the game being too high, this was often linked to mapping the QWER keys to a horizontal play bar. So I tried some quality of life fixes:

'Major' changes

  • Rotated play bar to be vertical, so it aligns with the keys you press
  • Added back button, if the first instrument you pick is too hard this gives you a chance to find an easier one first
  • Added #remaining instruments to room scene, so you know how many instruments are left

Minor fixes

  • Added Completion Animation
  • Removed gap in music loop (hopefully)

Remaining Issues

  • The synchronization still doesn't feel super tight, I'm not 100% sure how to fix this. Also the click track seems to skip the first click for some reason.
  • First note is hard to hit. If the first note is missed also the remaining notes are not relevant so often people will wait for the next loop round.
  • Because of the largish note hitbox, the music played is often different from the actual track. This also leads to quick game completion times. Building in some sort of scoring/ perfect system, would increase the gameplay depth  and reward player skill a bit more, but it needs to not make the game too difficult. 

Future Plans

Try and iron out the remaining issues, the largest being the additional scoring/timing mechanic. Once that's done, restructure the project to allow for adding multiple levels. Then the fun part = building more tracks + more levels! :)


Web Build 10 MB
Oct 24, 2018
Windows Build 21 MB
Oct 24, 2018

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